Speech Story

Stuart Scott: “Every Day I am reminded our lives journey is guided by the people that touch us”

Stuart Scott stood on stage and gave his speech after earning the Jimmy V Perseverance award. After earning the reward Scott refers to himself fighting cancer and said, “To be honored with this I now have a responsibility to never give up”.

In the Speech Scott talks about his fight with cancer and involving a 7 day hospital 10 days before he earned his reward. Others fought for Stuart and Stuart fought for himself, allowing him to be able to at ESPY.

The Perseverance reward speech Scott reminded the people that he can’t ever give up. Scott is never giving up because of his daughters as he said, “I am standing on this stage here tonight because of you”.

The battle is going on today Stuart Scott is still fighting cancer. Stuart Scott, said “When you die it does not mean you lose to cancer, you beat cancer the way you live.”

One thought on “Speech Story

  1. fuglsang

    Beginning a story with a quote is difficult, and usually doesn’t work. The “never give up” quote could work for this speech.

    “Others fought for Stuart and Stuart fought for himself” and he made it to the stage. That idea might be worked into a lead.

    The organization is coming along. You do need to proofread before you hit publish, however.

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