Gender Undone Hosts Menstruation Event

Gender Undone Hosts Menstruation Event

(4.24.17) By Maggie Ganley – Menstruation. A topic most people try to avoid, but one that Gender Undone chose to embrace whole-heartedly.

Gender UndoneFrom March 13th to April 13th Gender Undone collected period products for the Siouxland Warming Shelter, an emergency shelter for those in need.

Over 200 individually wrapped products were collected as a result of this drive.

The warming shelter was chosen as their organization because of what it provides.

“[The Warming Shelter] Is run solely on charitable donations, and we felt as though we could contribute to them in our own unique way, “student coordinator Celia McGaffey explained.

McGaffey believes students should care about this event because it’s an easy way to give back to the community and help those in need.

Her passion concerning this cause sparked her to create this event.

“It is very difficult of those with lower income and in states where they need to go to places like the warming shelters to afford period products, but they are a necessity. It is also difficult for a shelter to budget these products into their supply budget as it means they have to sacrifice other goods like food,” said McGaffey.

April 24, 2017

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