Movie Reivew: Zoolander
Arts & Entertainment

Movie Reivew: Zoolander

indexBy Taylor Pluim—Zoolander is a movie about a male model, Derek Zoolander, who is brainwashed by a major designer in order to kill the leader of a country that wants to end child labor. Ending child labor would cut profits for the fashion industry, which is why they want him dead.

Zoolander is a very stupid model who knows nothing other than modeling. Early on in the movie, though, he starts to think about if there is more meaning to life than his current profession. This leads him to the idea of opening an “Institute for children who can’t read good.” The evil designer who brainwashes Zoolander, Mugatu, promises him to fund this institute in order to win over his trust.

Other than the desire of the fashion industry to kill the country leader, there isn’t a whole lot of plot line to the movie. There are some other main characters like a new male model that is starting to take over the scene and a reporter for Time Magazine that seems to be fairly close to Zoolander. However, the main goal of the movie seems to be mostly about dumb humor, which a lot of people seem to enjoy, considering the widespread success of the movie.

If you are in to movies like Napoleon Dynamite, then you would probably like this movie. It is mostly about laughing at the stupidity of a few male models and designers.

April 22, 2015

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