
The Minimum Wage Debate

moneyBy Natalie Waller– “Another day, another dollar.” Some people may feel like they are living this way in their life. They may go work a minimum wage job and not seek many benefits from that job. There are many costs in the world and a minimum wage job may not be cutting life’s financial demands.

The debate on the amount that minimum wage is has been a battle that has been happening for quite some time now. The problem seems to be getting closer to a resolution though. President Obama has been trying to reach agreements nationwide for an increase in minimum wage. Some states are beginning these efforts, yet some have still not jumped on board.

Having an increase in minimum wage can solve some people’s problems, but it may cause even larger problems for businesses. Jon Tarpey stated, corporate America is very, “Money hungry.” With the increase in minimum wage, businesses will likely raise the price of their goods or services. He goes on to say, “The main problem would be that the cost of most items would increase with the wages. Corporate America is too profit hungry to loose out on such an opportunity and it is likely that even with a raise it would be difficult for a real increase in earnings to occur with the market being regulated as it currently stands.”

Jon makes a bit over minimum wage but still finds it hard to save $100 a month because of all of his expenses in a month, including just food, gas, bills, and necessities. His other concern with minimum wage is the opportunity costs that come with working a part time job while in college. He could be spending much of his time studying but he must work a job in order to live in this world.

Kristi Waller, a business manager sees struggles with raising the minimum wage as well. It may be something that this country needs to deserve but in her eyes raising it will be, “A manager’s nightmare.” Kristi is a Director of Nursing and her employees do make over minimum wage right now. If the minimum wage increases, her employees will want an increase as well. Her business will not be able to afford the increase without raising prices of their service, which in turn will upset her residents at the assisted living. She stated, “No matter what happens, someone will always want more and someone will always be unhappy.”

One thing that most people strive and work for is money. People may need more money in order to keep up with life in this world, but the solving it may not be as easy as people think it will be. The poor want more to survive, the average want more because they think they are deserving of it, and the rich want to be richer. An agreement may be made soon on this issue, but the agreement most likely will not be the easy and quick answer to this problem.

April 9, 2014

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