
Mouthwash abuse could lead to oral cancer

smileBy Channing Pick–Floss, brush, and rinse with mouth wash. Children have been taught this routine for years by parents and dentist. But, a new study conducted in the United Kingdom shows that mouthwash may be causing oral cancer.

Dr David Conway, the study leader, warned, “We have found that using mouthwash excessively – three or more times a day – raises the risk of cancer. I know that some people who regularly smoke or drink alcohol use mouthwash to hide the smell. I would advise against any excessive use of it.”

Mouthwash is safe for those with the prescription for it, however.

“It could be that a patient has a low salivary flow because of a particular condition or medicine they are taking. But unless a dentist has prescribed a mouthwash, personally I think all you need for good oral health is regular brushing with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing, plus regular check-ups by a dentist,” Dr Conway continued.

The substance in the mouthwash that is causing the cancer is the alcohol that is fighting the bacteria.

April 9, 2014

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