Intramural volleyball reaches final week

Intramural volleyball reaches final week

By Jazmine Dirks ~
Intramural athletics have always been a huge part of student life around Morningside. Sports such as basketball, dodge-ball, volleyball, kickball, and more are played throughout the year in the Hindman-Hobbs Center. Typically the games start around 9:30pm when the recreation center is closing. Students are given the opportunity to come up with their own co-ed teams and compete for a championship title.

“Whether you’re already in an intercollegiate sport or not, intramurals are a great way to meet people, be active, and just have fun,” says freshman Travis Schombert.

Right now Morningside students have been competing in intramural volleyball, with the regular games ending April 15th. The knockout rounds will start April 16th, in which case the top teams will be paired against the bottom teams in a competition for a chance to win the bragging rights and a free t-shirt.

April 13, 2012

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