John Gonsler interesting Career route, led to Morningside University

John Gonsler has had an interesting route to end up becoming one of the newer professors at Morningside University. Gonsler began his career as a police officer, which he did not particularly enjoy.
Gonsler did not like the politics of the police department as he described the sheriff by saying, “was dirtier than a pig’s dick.”

This lead to Gonsler going a different direction by becoming a correctional officer. He worked in a medium to maxim security prison for 6 months. In this time, He was out numbere 160 prisioners to one guard.

He was not well protected as he only had a can of pepper spray, handcuffs, and a walkie. To help describe some of the prisoners he mentioned that an individual benched 405 pound multiple times. The craziness was described by an individual prisoner and the pet birds. The pet birds were dead and put into the heating pot. 

Gonzler decided this was not the best route for him as a carrier, so he decided to go back to school.

In his time back in school, he became pen pals with the unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. 

Ted Kaczynksi was not a easy person to get to respond to people, but Gonzler said, “If you want to be pen balls, you have to find an in.” 

The letter exchanges occurred for a couple months until Gonsler wrote a question Kacznski did not like. Gonzler was put on a federal security list for almost a decade. 

Gonzler though through many different ideas for what he wanted his carrer path to be. 

Morningside stood out as he was given the opportunity to grow the Criminal Justice Department.

He is now in his second year at Morningside and really enjoys “teaching the Criminal Justice intro class.” 

Gonzler goal is to help his students to find the career that is best for them, he does this by “exposing students to the good and bad of all these positions”