(05.09.2017) By Kayla Perkins — Morningside College alum Donna Habinck has been busy since graduating in 2015 with an English and Studio Art degree, as she works on preparing for the completion of her independent publishing press, Lady Drake Inc.
Working as a Librarian Assistant at the Sloan Public Library, Habinck has worked diligently to create her business, which would publish novels on e-book sites, including Amazon.
“This is something I have wanted to do since high school, so I’m glad that I finally have the opportunity to move forward with it,” Habinck says.
So far Habinck has over five projects in the works, which she hopes to have published within the next year.
“We’re working on our first project right now, but I’m hoping we will have it published in the next few months. After that I’m hoping we can get the ball rolling on the rest,” Habinck says.
While Habinck has prepared projects in the works, she is also hoping to publish novels and works from the Siouxland community, including works from Morningside alumni.
“I have an idea for works made by Morningside alumni, which is still in the works, but I’m hoping to have that planned out soon,” Habinck says.
Habinck says if someone wants to open their own business, planning ahead and budgeting are crucial to making sure it succeeds.
“Starting a business costs at least a couple hundred dollars depending on what you want to do, so I would advice budgeting and a good schedule to make sure you can get everything done correctly,” Habinck says.
Students interested in contacting Habinck with ideas or advice may contact her at dsh006@morningside.edu.
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