
What if they didn’t need ISIS?

ImagineBy Jenni Beaver–If you’ve turned on the news in the past several months you’ve probably heard about the world’s latest terrorist group, the Islamic State or ISIS. For the past year they’ve been turning into a stronger unit and recently attacked several spots in Paris, France. This isn’t the end of their run.

ISIS is powered by ordinary people. Some of them were recruited via the Internet, others were taken from their homes and turned into soldiers. One thing they all have in common is their need to belong. That’s something we all want. We want friends and family who love us and we want to feel like our lives matter. For many ISIS members that need to belong wasn’t met, so they joined a group that could make it happen.

The Islamic State takes people in and gives them a role. They make the soldiers feel important and special, like they’re part of a team and making a difference.

What if they didn’t need ISIS?

What if we treated everyone around us like they mattered?

It sounds like the plot for a Hallmark movie, I know. Everyone smiles and sings Kumbaya around the campfire. While that would be amazing, that’s not what I’m suggesting. I’m suggesting a world in which we treat others with respect.

A world where everyone has a job to do, and they do it because they’re part of a team. A place where the government wants what’s best for its people and the people want what’s best for the country. It would be a world where people belonged, and a world where people didn’t need ISIS to feel important.

Could it happen? Sure it could. If states stopped acting like they were in the fight alone, and the national government stopped bending the rules. If people would stand for The Pledge of Allegiance and put their hand over their heart for the national anthem. If Washington was more than the land of secrets and if our officials were seen as more than incompetent money grubbers. If people loved the stars and stripes and were willing to fight for them. If America and its people could change these things, we would be stronger. Our people wouldn’t be running towards ISIS.

I know what you’re thinking. If America did fix their problems, how does that help the rest of the world?

America used to be an example for countries across the globe. If we get our act together, we’ll be able to work with our allies. If we can all work together, ISIS doesn’t stand a chance.

People generally want to be on the winning side.

I wish I could say this would happen overnight, but it won’t. I wish I could confidently say it would happen at all, but I can’t. All I’m saying is that America used to be a great nation. It still has moments of greatness, but as a whole it’s not great anymore. I don’t think Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump can fix it. That’s a job for the people, and right now the people are too busy fighting over who gets to keep their firearms.

It’s time to look at the important issues and address them. That’s what will make America great again.

November 30, 2015

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