Soda and the Effects on the Human Body

Soda and the Effects on the Human Body

SodaAndToothErosionBy Kyle Kardell–As research unveils the unfortunate truths about soda, many people are trading their Coke and Mountain Dew for more nutritional alternatives. Their bodies will thank them.

The nutritional contents of soda are zero. There is nothing a body gains from drinking soda. People can find incredible results just from eliminating sugary drinks.

According to a Tufts University study, “Dietary intake is one of the most modifiable factors that can be targeted in helping to prevent disease.” Diabetes continues to be a growing concern in the United States as well and sugary sodas play a major factor to contributing to Type 2.

Other studies show that sugary drinks increase a person’s risk of chronic heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and increases blood pressure. The amount of sugar in soda can destroy teeth and the citric acid erodes tooth enamel.

If someone is looking to lose weight, one of the best options is to lose the soda. The amount of unnecessary calories and sugar in soda are a big problem to consistent drinkers.

When empty calories are consumed the person is less likely to eat other foods that are more nutritious because they have filled themselves with non-nutritious calories.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention website, “Teenagers and young adults are the biggest consumers of soft drinks.”

If children get hooked early on soda they could be in trouble because caffeine is an addictive drug. Children really shouldn’t consume any caffeine if it can be controlled, but many sodas have over 35 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce can.

Sodas are also dehydrating. Children need to stay hydrated to stay healthy and keep a strong immune system. Young adult bodies are smaller and still developing therefore more susceptible to caffeine and sugar.

So next time at the restaurant, consider if that delicious carbonated drink is worth the consequences.

October 23, 2015

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