
Mediation Team competes in first event

RoboHeadThe Morningside College Mediation team competed in the International Academy of Dispute Resolution’s 14th annual Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament held at Drake University Law school in Des Moines, Nov. 1-2.

Morningside sent two teams comprised of three students each. One team consisted of Amy Widman, Cameron Oakley, and Nick Misukanis. The other team consisted of Victoria Dentler, Alex O’Neill, and Kelly Kanaan. Team member Ruth Martinez was unable to make the trip.

Morningside competed against schools from all over the world. Some included: Boston University, University of Texas at Dallas, The University of California at San Diego, Principia College, Lewis College, and many others.

Morningside performed very well for its inaugural year, Coach Alex Watters said. Of the 126 separate performances in the general competition, Victoria Dentler and Alex O’Neill ranked 12th in the advocate/client category.

The team composed of Oakley, Misukanis, and Widman finished 7th out of the 42 teams (national and international) in the advocate/ client category. Morningside College was also selected as an Outstanding New Mediation Program. The Morningside College Mediation Team is coached by Alex Watters.

For further information please feel free to contact Alex Watters atĀ 712-330-2885.

November 17, 2013

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