
Pick your poison carefully

By Claire DeRoin–

Whether they’re doing it responsibly or not, college students are drinking and partying their way through their four years.

Beer, wine, and liquor are popular among students, but there are some mixes that can have very negative health impacts. Carol Garvey, student health services director, discourages the idea of mixing alcohol and energy drinks.

“Energy drinks have stimulants like ginseng and taurine, while alcohol is a depressant. Mixing these drinks with alcohol sends mixed signals to your nervous system which can cause cardiac related problems,” Garvey warned.

If someone absolutely must try an energy drink mixed drink, Garvey strongly recommends trying an energy drink alone to see its effects. “You may have an unknown pre-existing medical condition or have an adverse reaction to some of the stimulants.” Adding alcohol to the mix could be even more devastating.

According to the OCWeekly blog, a 14-year-old girl from Maryland recently died after drinking two Monster Energy Drinks. This has stirred up investigations about energy drinks as potentially dangerous due to the high containments of caffeine.

But aren’t energy drinks supposed to keep you awake so you can keep partying? Wrong, Garvey says. “Fatigue is your body’s way of saying it has had enough to drink. It is dangerous to continue drinking to try and fool your body that you are not as drunk as you really are. You may perceive that you are less impaired when you feel more alert from the energy drink but the alcohol continues to have its effects.”

Garvey offered some other tips and general rules of thumb for drinking smarter:

Moderation is best. The medically accepted limit is one drink per day for females and two for males. The difference is due to our bodies’ different makeup of water and fats.

Portion control! Always use a measuring device when mixing drinks. Hard liquor can be made into a more potent cocktail if not measured. The alcoholic content in one beer is equal to one mixed drink, if prepared correctly.

Say no to sex. In the state of Iowa, if someone has been drinking, they cannot give legal consent for sexual activity.

Drink water between alcoholic drinks. Alcohol makes people dehydrated. That is why people have hangovers. Water between drinks is a great idea, but does not make up for moderation.

Think before you drink! Do you have an exam or paper deadline coming up? What you drink can stay in your body up to 48 hours. Alcohol consumption can also lead to a lack of energy. This is mainly due to the alcohol being processed in the liver. This is why athletes are encouraged to refrain from drinking. In addition, one drink may help you sleep, but more than that can actually disrupt your sleeping pattern and your REM sleep.

Get ready for the real world. You may be able to get out of a class on a “too tired” excuse, but the job market frowns upon you calling in for “personal reasons”, such as a hangover.

October 24, 2012