
End to finals week

By Brittany Poss ~
With finals week dying down, so is the stress level of the Morningside college community. The library is less crowded, the parking lots are beginning to empty and smiles instead of frazzled looks are returning to the faces of many students.

Alisa Christensen was one of the fortunate students who had a limited amount of work to do during finals week. “I was lucky enough to only have one actual test this week so I only had a few hours of studying.”

Other students are not so lucky. A group of students in the library were studying for a nursing final and revealed that they were ready to pull their hair out. “Nursing is one of the most demanding majors on campus and I am definitely feeling its wrath,” noted one of the girls.

Despite the level of difficulty, finals are always a challenge. Senior Abby Breaman offers some advice to younger students who may not be as experienced with the whole process. “It is best to be as prepared as possible. Spend that extra time studying but do not sweat the small stuff.”

She also notes that breaks are necessary to avoid being overwhelmed as long as there is intent to continue studying after a short while.

With the many distractions available, taking a walk, playing a game or talking to a friend may be more constructive than the addicting sites such as Facebook or Pinterest. Students acknowledge that these websites can be a black hole. As time flies by, little time is left to study and the student will become overwhelmed if cramming is left to the last minute.

Students are not the only ones who are stressed. Professors are also bogged down preparing for this week. They are expected to write a test and correct each student’s submission. Both of these processes can be demanding. According to Professor Sam Clovis, “summer cannot come soon enough.”

May 7, 2012

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