Finals week survival kits return

Finals week survival kits return

by Payton Miller–After a two-year hiatus, the CEO group brings back final survival kits. 

A package contains either salty or sweet snacks and the option for parents to add a study pack for their son or daughter, a little boost before a week of grueling tests. The fundraiser had taken a two-year hiatus because of Covid-19 restrictions on campus. 

The cost is $25, plus the choice to add a study pack for an additional $5. All packages are on sale now.

According to CEO president Matt Hanner, the group is expanding its advertisement from strictly parents to the student body. The goal is to expand and get students to buy for their friends on campus. 

“This is our biggest and most successful fundraiser of the year,” Hanner said. “It’s our best opportunity for the members of our group to learn about sales and how to get people to buy a product.” 

The CEO group meets weekly to discuss entrepreneurship and how to be a smart business person. “CEO group is about learning what a great entrepreneur is and what to do to become one in our lives and it’s for students of any major,” Tanner said.

The CEO will be selling the survival kits until the final week of classes. Distribution of the kits will be Monday and Tuesday the week of finals.

April 24, 2022

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