Stepping outside on a fine February day

Stepping outside on a fine February day

by Caleb Lubbers–In the days before spring break, students have taken advantage of the exceptionally warm weather not usually seen in February by spending time outdoors. 

According to the Weather Channel, the average high temperature in Sioux City on the last day of February is 39 degrees Fahrenheit.

This year, the temperature reached 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Not wanting to waste this unusual opportunity, many students spent time outside soaking up the sunshine. 

Christian Leonard, a sophomore, spent a few hours working on his homework in a lawn chair.

“Being able to go outside and study on a warm, sunny day is honestly just refreshing after the past few weeks,” said Leonard.

Others, such as Augusta-Lynn Newman, just spent time walking around and enjoying the weather.

“I got to wear shorts and a t-shirt, which is so much better than wearing a coat and pants like I did last week,” Newman said.

The warm weather also helped make the JV baseball doubleheader much more bearable to be at than most February baseball games.

The team won the first game but dropped the second.

Braxton Hinders, a senior pitcher, said, “It was weird feeling warm while playing baseball in February. Even though I’m not used to it, I definitely loved it.”

Chandler Todd, a sophomore, attended the game and cheered on his friends on the team.

“It was beautiful outside, and I’m so glad I got to watch our team play,” Todd said. 

Garrett Anderson, a junior who also attended the games, said, “It was great to get out and support the team. It is never a chore to get out and watch our baseball team play.”

March 2, 2022

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