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Month: November 2015

Wedding Shooting

Honeymoon in handcuffs? That might be the case for 50- year-old newlywed Richard Brunson.

Last Saturday Richard and his fiancé Laurette Brunson had a small wedding around 2pm. Neighbor Vicki Holmes said it was a cute wedding. {clip from Vicki Holmes}

The wedding was going great until it was time for the reception where the beautiful wedding took a turn for the worse. Laurette Brunson threw a plate of macaroni salad at finance Richard Brunson.

Richard shot his wife with a .22-calibre handgun in the abdomen. Neighbor Walter Corse was at the scene when it happened and told us this {clip from Walter Corse} By the time the police arrived the groom has fled the scene and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Mrs. Brunson is in satisfactory condition, but as for the marriage that’s questionable.

The couple had been living together in their house for four to five moths prior to the wedding with Laurette’s three kids.

Audacity file:

News comment #9

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/06/sports/hockey/chicago-blackhawks-patrick-kane-will-not-face-rape-charges.html?ref=sports

The Chicago Blackhawks star player Patrick Kane is not going to be charged with rape due to lack of evidence.

The Blackhawk’s player was accused to have raped a victim in her 20’s and this investigation has been going on for 3 months now but its finally over. Erie County Attorney Frank Sedita said that the evidence “contradicted” the accuser’s claim that she was raped August 2nd by Kane.

Kane went through a lot during this investigation because with him being one of the top players in the N.H.L and having allegations of his potentially raping a girl those two things really don’t go together.

“The very difficult part of this is when you are basically an international sports star, and as a result, a likely target,” Kane’s lawyer, Paul Cambria, said. “And you have to go through three months of reading things in the media that you know are not true, and they’re hurtful things and accusatory things. That’s a very difficult burden to bear.”

With further evidence and stories they believe the whole thing was a “bizarre hoax”.


News Comment #10

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/05/us/san-franciscos-first-female-sheriff-plans-to-improve-ties-in-criminal-justice-system.html?ref=us

Vicki Hennessy is San Fransisco’s first ever female sheriff. She was elected on November 3, 2015 and will start working in January. Hennessy plans on having a major impact on the criminal justice system of San Fransisco.

Hennessy is born and raised in San Fransisco ands been a part of the Sheriff’s Department nice 1975 and hr husband is a retired San Fransisco police office. In the Sheriff’s Department, she became the youngest captain in 1983, and, in 1997, was promoted to chief deputy. This was her first run for political office.

Hennessy did not plan on becoming the new sheriff but she wants to bring a sense of calm back to the Sheriff’s Department. “I’m open to ideas,” she said. “I don’t have to be the one to come up with them.”

She has a lot of ties to the San Fransisco area and sheriff department so it only seems right that she becomes the first female sheriff.


News comment #11

Source: http://www.thecannabist.co/2015/11/04/marijuana-college-scholarship-pueblo-county/43314/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

With Colorado recently being one of few states that view marijuana as legal there is news of a local scholarship fund for county high school students in Pueblo County funded solely by marijuana. Pueblo County is the leading and largest marijuana farm in Colorado.

With the Pueblo County voters approving the pot tax of 5%  they should be able to raise #3.5 million a year just from growing and selling marijuana by 2020.The scholarship amount depends on how many students apply for the scholarship. The are predicting about 400 students apply having each scholarship be worth $1000 each year.

This is the world’s first scholarship funded entirely by pot taxes. Brian Vicente is an attorney in Denver and said, “this is the first time you have marijuana tax money being used directly for scholarships, and that’s pretty remarkable.”


Science Scavenger Hunt Article

The commonly know leisure drug, marijuana might have an important role in the medical field in coming years to help treat conditions ranging from brain injuries to cancer.

Edward Maa is an epilepsy and neurologist specialist at the University of Denver Colorado and had recently noticed how most of his patients had to turn to marijuana to help treat and cure their illnesses.

According to a recent article done by David Noonan in the Scientific American, studies suggest that tetrahydrocannabinal (THC), the main chemical found in marijuana might protect neurons in the brain from trauma and slow the growth of tumors and reduce brain damage in an Alzheimer patients brain.

The study is still in the works because most of the research is done in test tubes and rarely done on humans.


Source: Scientific American volume 312 Number 2 February 2015 pg 32-34

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