How does my favorite video game effect me

One of my games to play is Call of Duty. I feel like when I play this game I have a force field around me and nobody can turn it off besides me. I hear nothing else or see nothing else. This makes me extremely unsocial. It is different when there are friends around that I am playing with because I will need to do some trash talking, but when it’s just me and I am online, the force field goes up. After playing I will usually look at my phone and see some missed calls or text messages. This makes me feel a little worse but not bad enough to where I would stop playing. I do play with my friends online so that keeps me pretty social with them. So in some way it takes me away from some things but it connects me with the people I enjoy spending time with.

About Shane

I come from Ghent Minnesota. I love tuna casserole and enjoy playing video games. I made a sweet trampoline dunk video. There is the link
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