Video: 14-year-old Tiger Woods discusses race and golf in rare interview footage

This story is about an old interview somebody did with Tiger Woods when he was 14 years old. It was discovered on youtube and became news after that.

I think this article has some new value because it is about Tiger Woods. Also it is rare because it was when he was in his teens and was talking about race issues. It also talks about how you can’t get famous people to talk about issues like this anymore. I think this is true. I also like the video. I think it is interesting. I don’t like how at the end of the story they say ” Give it a watch if you have five minutes.” I think they should tell us to watch it.

About Shane

I come from Ghent Minnesota. I love tuna casserole and enjoy playing video games. I made a sweet trampoline dunk video. There is the link
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One Response to Video: 14-year-old Tiger Woods discusses race and golf in rare interview footage

  1. fuglsang says:

    I agree with the comment that Woods is unlikely to discuss race today. He could be a powerful voice, but chooses not to be.

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