
Q. Do you enjoy playing video games?


Q.What do you find enjoyable about video games?

A.You get to kill people and makes me feel happy because I get to win and defeat challenges. It challenges me.

Q.What is your view on other people that play video games often?

A.Most are lazy and shouldn’t play so much because it is not healthy

Q.Do you think there is a negative or positive look at people that play video games often?

A.Negative, because most people think they are lazy and video games do not get you anywhere in life.

Q. Does this perspective make you play video games less?

A. No, because I only play for a hour or so for entertainment.

I asked these questions to one of my roommates and I think his answers are what most people would say. When I think about video games I always think about my dad telling me to go outside and do something instead of sitting inside. I was very active as a child and still am so I always told my self, as long as I am active I will allow myself to play. I think some kids are afraid of what other people will think so they try and stay away from it. I think the view of video games could be changing because there are more and more old people that still play and the group of people that never played and don’t play is going down. I think pretty soon everybody will be playing including parents.



About Shane

I come from Ghent Minnesota. I love tuna casserole and enjoy playing video games. I made a sweet trampoline dunk video. There is the link
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One Response to Survey

  1. Kyle says:

    Shane asks some good questions in his survey and it gets his roommate to think about what he is asking him instead of letting his roommate answer quickly. He gets good feedback and comes up with a conclusion which means the survey was successful. One think I might add is that if he would have surveyed more people he would have gotten a better overall view of peoples aspects on gaming.

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