Incoming Freshman

When you first get here it is going to be scary. You might not even no anybody, like myself. You might want to call your parents and go right back home. I have been in that situation and trust me it gets better. I love it here now. You will need to work twice as hard and make a lot more time in your schedule, but you also need to know how to enjoy it all. It goes by fast so make sure you get your work done and have time for some fun time. Show up to class or you might miss out on something very important. Also make sure you have a couple fans ready if your going to be living in the freshman hall. You don’t need to have your mind set on what you want to do, but take classes that interest you. Everybody here will help you if you need anything and it will start feeling more like home every week.

About Shane

I come from Ghent Minnesota. I love tuna casserole and enjoy playing video games. I made a sweet trampoline dunk video. There is the link
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