Nov 17 2022

Profile Image of Nienke

Marnix van Exel’s Competitive Side

Posted at 8:25 pm under Uncategorized

During the volleyball intramural, soccer player Marnix van Exel discovered his competitive side for the game of volleyball.

Every year, Morningside University organizes intramural for different sports. The intramural is designed to allow anyone to become involved in different sports. Teams can be formed by anyone, with anyone. You don’t have to be an athlete to participate, but if you are an athlete, you cannot participate in the intramural for your own sport.

Marnix loves sports and always gets very competitive while playing sports. He was excited to try out a different sport, so he created a team with some of his friends and signed them up for the volleyball intramural.

Last Wednesday, Marnix and his team had their quarter final game and he was more competitive than he had felt in any of the previous games. Now, it was all or nothing. If they would lose this game, they would be out of the tournament, and Marnix was going to do everything to avoid that. Even though Marnix and his team fought hard, they lost their quarter final match and are now out of the tournament.

Next to Marnix’ feeling of competitiveness, he also got frustrated during the game. “In the previous games we always had the same people play and now, all of a sudden, two of the others wanted to play even though they never wanted to before. I just wanted to win.” he said. Their usual team had built a good connection together and they became better with every match, so when the other players suddenly decided they wanted to play, it frustrated Marnix.

Marnix also said that his team was criticizing him for playing too careful, even though Marnix was one of the best players on their team that scored them the most points. On top of that, the ref was making bad calls that were in favor of the other team.

“I don’t like to lose.” Marnix said. So, the loss was already frustrating and the other adding factors did not make it better. But, Marnix stayed competitive throughout the entire game and fought till the end.

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