Dec 10 2022

Profile Image of Nienke

News Comment #13

Posted at 11:07 am under Uncategorized

Key Partner in Covax Will Stop Giving Free Vaccines to Middle-Income Nations

Global demand for free Covid shots has dropped, driving a shift away from the goal of broad coverage.

In the upcoming year, one of the key partners in Covax, the organization that has led the effort to bring Covid vaccines to poor and middle-income countries, will stop supplying the vaccines to a big part of the global population. They will only keep providing them to the lowest-income nations.

The board of governors of Gavi, the nonprofit organization that supplies immunizations to developing countries, voted at a meeting on Thursdays to end the Covax support for 37 countries, where hundreds of thousands of people have died from the coronavirus.

This decision reflects on the fact that demand for Covid had dropped worldwide, and that Gave has found itself overcommitted to vaccine purchases, even when countries don’t want them. The continuing vaccination efforts are expected to now mainly focus on high-risk groups.

This story can be considered newsworthy. Covid is a topic that has affected the entire world for the past couple of years. Any changes in policies, or in this case vaccination supplies, concerns every country in the world. The article was well-written, easy to read and easy to follow, and it involved all necessary information. The order in which the author wrote the information helped give the story a good flow. The author really used the pyramid form, starting with the big view and then slowly going into more details as the story goes on.

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