Nov 03 2022

Profile Image of Nienke

News Comment #9

Posted at 10:45 am under Uncategorized

Dobby’s Grave Can Stay on a Beach in Wales, but Please Stop Giving Him Socks

As the grave site for the elf from “Harry Potter” became a tourist attraction, the tributes left to the character started to give environmental concerns.

In the Harry Potter series, Dobby, and elf, dies in Harry’s arms on a beach that Dobby describes as “such a beautiful place to be with friends.”

The “beautiful place” where this scene was filmed, Freshwater West Beach in Pembrokeshire, Wales, has become an attraction where fans have assembled a memorial to Dobby. Environmental officials, however, became concerned that the popularity of the beach was having a negative effect on the land and they considered tearing the memorial down.

Last week, officials announced that Dobby’s grave site could stay, as longs as visitors stopped leaving behind tributes to Dobby.

Part of the problem arose from a gesture that many fans likely intended as a tribute but it had damaging consequences: visitors kept giving Dobby socks. Back in the real world, socks are a bad thing to leave on a beach. In addition to the socks, people also left messages painted on rocks.

The National Trust Wales said in its assessment that “items like socks, trinkets, and paint chips from painted pebbles could enter the marine environment and food chain and put wildlife at risk.”

I think the author of this article did a really good job coming up with a captivating title. When I read it, it made me laugh and it made me want to read the story. Even though the title and topic of this article can be seen as humorous, it’s also very serious. In the lead, the author mentions that the tributes left at Dobby’s grave are prompting environmental concerns. In my opinion, the article presents a good balance between the funny topic and the seriousness of the topic. For me personally, it made it more fun and easy for me to read this article. But it won’t be like this for everyone. The article has a specific audience: people that have watched the Harry Potter movies. The article does give some background information on Dobby for readers that have not seen the Harry Potter movies.

In my opinion, the article is well written and mentions all the necessary information that can be provided at this moment. It’s not to long but still very clear which makes it easy to read and follow.

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