Oct 23 2022

Profile Image of Nienke

News Comment #7

Posted at 5:22 pm under Uncategorized

A Russian fighter jet crashes into a home in Siberia, killing the two pilots

The crash in Irkutsk was the second of a Russian warplane in a residential area within a week.

The Russian fighter jet smashed into a home in the Siberian city of Irkutsk during a test flight on Sunday. This was the second crash of a Russian warplane in a residential area within a week.

When the plane crashed, it set off a fire, but there were nu civilian casualties.

The previous crash from a Russian warplane happened on Monday and left 14 people dead. These crashes were caused by the fact that Russia’s military is under major pressure in its war in Ukraine.

The Russian Investigative Committee, the country’s main investigation agency, sent forensic specialists to the scene in Irkutsk to investigate, according to the RIA-Novosti state news agency.

In the crash that occurred last week, the plane slammed into the courtyard of a large apartment building in Yeysk, a port and resort town across the Sea of Azov from the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. One of its engines had caught fire during a training mission.

In my opinion, this article is newsworthy and well written. When I looked at it at first, I thought it was a really short article and I was wondering if it would be well written and would everything that was important about the event. However, considering that the event only happened earlier today, and there is not a lot that can be said with certainty, I think the article explains clearly what is known so far. There is no speculation about what might have caused it or what might have been possible. The article only talks about the facts and what is certain so far, which makes it a well written, easy to read article.

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