Oct 09 2022

Profile Image of Nienke

News Comment #6

Posted at 7:35 pm under Uncategorized

New Study Strengthens the Link Between Exercise and Memory

Experts have known for a long time that fitness is good for the human brain. A recent paper, however, connects different types of workouts with assorted improvements in memory.

Everyone knows that regular exercise has many benefits for physical, and sometimes even, mental health. But then people started to wonder what kind of an effect it has on specific functions, like memory.

Studies have proven that exercise does have an effect on your memory. Over the years, studies have suggested that a workout can improve recall. Engaging in exercise over the courses of years or decades does not only improve your memory, but it even helps fortify against possible future memory problems.

Marc Roig, a physical and occupational therapy professor who studies the effect of exercise on cognition said, “We know that exercise works, but we don’t know which variables of exercise make the exercise more effective.” In addition he also said that he believes that intensity is one of those factors. Roig was not involved with the original study.

One major challenge with studying the link between regular exercise and memory is that the changes are hard to measure. There are a lot of factors that affect the memory, which complicates measuring the changes. And on top of that, there are also different types of memory.

This article shines a light on the advances that are being made in improving a person’s memory. It talks about how regular exercise can help improve your memory and better your memory in the future. In my opinion, this a newsworthy topic considering it focusses on a common problem among people. There are a lot of people that experience problems with their memory. This is a good way to let people who suffer from memory problems know some ways they can perhaps help their memory. The article is not too long, and it’s written in a way that makes it easy to read. They’re attributing their sources which makes the information given in this article more believable. The lead describes the article well and gives readers a clear idea of what they are going to read about.

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