Sep 20 2022

Profile Image of Nienke

Scavenger Hunt

Posted at 11:00 am under Uncategorized

Today, I had to do a scavenger hunt and I was on the hunt for 2 different objects: a creatively bent paper clip, and a favorite Morningside memory.

I started off by walking to the Olsen Student Center to look for someone that had a paperclip. I went to the Morningside Bookstore and found Amy Derrick. When I asked her if I could ask her a question for a class assignment that could maybe be a little weird she immediately responded that it’s never weird. This already made me feel so relaxed in communicating with her.

I asked her if she had a paper clip by any chance and if she could bent it creatively. She replied, “Okay, seriously, you are gonna think ‘that’s weird’ . . . We bend them all the time for a specific purpose.” She said that when they sell books, the once that are shrink wrapped, they flip them open, with these bent paperclips.

Amy has worked at Morningside for 10 years and she works in the Student Olsen Center in the Bookstore. She loves Morningside and thoroughly enjoys her time that she spends and has already spend here.

The second person I found fro my second object, a favorite Morningside Memory, is Maddie Wright. Maddie works at Student Financial Planning as a work study and student financial coordinator. Maddie herself attended Morningside and graduated back in 2018.

I explained to her what the assignment was and she immediately knew her favorite memory. She said, “My favorite Morningside memory is when I attended the semi-final football game at Olsen Stadium and we beat St. Francis in like triple overtime or something like that.” She said that everyone stormed the field after this win and that it was all very exciting.

Maddie’s most beautiful part of the memory was being able to experience the football game with former football players next to her in the stands. Her husband, who used to play football at Morningside when they were dating, and his football friends were with her and she loved being able to get to hear their perspective while watching the game.

Finally, she added that the stands were completely packed even though there was at least foot of snow on the ground that day. Maddie explained how the field was cleared of snow right before the game and that the cold did not interfere with everyones excitement and enthusiasm.

Overall, I really enjoyed this scavenger hunt. It was a lot of fun to talk to people that you don’t normally talk to and learn more about them and their time at Morningside.

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