Morgan's Memoir

Extending the Outreach: Factors of Alcohol and Substance Use on College Campuses (Podcast)

April 29, 2022 · No Comments

You, as a college student, have an increased risk of these consequences when exposed to substance use.

Clayton Neighbor, published researcher of Journal of Applied Social Psychology says, “Excessive drinking has been associated with damaged property, poor class attendance, hangovers, trouble with authorities, and injuries. In addition, research has demonstrated links between drinking among college students and unwanted sexual advances, unplanned and unprotected sex, sexual aggression, and sexual assault.”

College students need to be particularly vigilant on the basis of peer pressure and social conformity when in situations with substances involved.

Morningside has a large population of student athletes. This is especially important for this audience to be informed of certain motivations that drive their love for the sport. If a student is involved in a sport where they are only there for their friend or have a motivation outside of loving the sport, then the chances of substance use/abuse are increased.

A solution could be for the athlete to find intrinsic motivation for their sport to lessen the chances of binge drinking and excessive substance use 

Our goal is to bring awareness of substance use and factors leading to said acts. Movies show direct peer pressure; that does happen, just less often compared to the subtle persuasion like social media influence, motivations of a college student, and even the social anxiety of the students. 

This is important, especially for college students, to be aware of because it is a present problem.

Social conformity plagues college age students looking to find social groups to fit into. Conformity can stem from social anxiety and the need to not be perceived by others, so if others are drinking, there’s a high chance of an individual to partake as well in order to fit the situation.

College students are experiencing a new chapter in their lives where they could be in a new place, knowing nobody; and the only way to meet others is at parties.

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