Mountain Girl in a Midwest Cornfield

Why Do We Need Stories?

Stories are a part of life from childhood through death. They are told from rocking chairs, read in cars, and travel over thousands of miles, but what makes them important?

A story is the telling of events, true or fiction, in order to provide entertainment. They are designed to entertain the reader and are usually used for more than just education. Stories are meant to enlighten.

Stories are important because they provide hope and happiness, as well as offering lessons, morals, and understanding. They are meant to describe the world and average people, and made-up universes and unique characters.

They are universal. No matter race, ethnicity, culture, age, gender, or any other defining factor, stories are read and retold. They can be applied to virtually anyone.

Stories are important because they connect people. They can entwine in everyone’s life, and can be retold for years. Stories connect the human race.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    The three Es: Educate, enlighten, entertain.

    It is interesting that the types of stories people tell themselves, across cultures, are so similar.

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