Just me talking about things

Month: August 2018

McCain’s Last Words Against Trump: Article Review

Today I read an article in the New York Times that was about the funeral services for late Senator John McCain and his public clashes with acting president, Donald Trump. I found that this article was well written enough but I think it was a poor choice to spend half the article focusing on how Trump would react to the funeral rather than focusing more on the life and times of a law maker and veteran with an remarkable and storied life all of his own.

Response to “Media Coverage of White Supremacists”

The NPR article that I read on the media’s coverage of White Supremacist groups and rallies raised many interesting ideas on the subject. The idea that White Supremacists rallies should simply be ignored was discussed in the article, I for one, do not like the idea of journalist completely ignoring a major event such as this even if it does create a platform for white supremacists because ignoring them gives them power as well. I did like the idea of limiting the coverage to pooled coverage with only one set of photography and video to grab from for all sources as it makes the story less prominent while still informing the general public who may want or need to know what is going on.

Student Interview: Tim Cahoon

On Thursday August twenty third I interviewed fellow student Tim Cahoon as a part of a “get to know each other” portion of the first. Tim, who is a Senior double majoring in Marketing and Advertising major struck me as a take charge person from the from the start of our conversation. Not only is he taking on two majors but his also involved in Student Alumni, Business Honors, and is on the Morningside swim team. With his position in both Student Alumni and Business honors Tim is expect to maintain a high GPA as well as taking part in numerous projects that include, talking to community members, attending business conferences, and doing research projects. Tim’s largest piece of advice for underclassmen was, “Utilize all the resources that Morningside has to offer and don’t be afraid to get to know your professors.”

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