
I can count on one hand the number of classes that I have had to study for. I normally don’t study unless I feel that the material is really difficult. I like the fact that most classes come fairly easily to me.

Whenever I do study, I usually just look over any notes or formulas that were given to us or I took over the course. Other than that, I don’t really have to study or put any serious review time into any courses.

When I do study, I normally am successful in my attempt. I am also a good test taker and don’t freeze up so that helps me in my ability to be confident going into my exams.

Things I enjoy

I like to be active. I enjoy playing sports and hanging out with friends. I actually like doing activities with this CAD program we are using in my Engineering Graphics class.

I also enjoy hanging out with my friends. Playing sports, watching sports, and basically anything to do with sports.

My Mission Statement

My personal goals for college are to maintain a high level of competence in my classes and to achieve the best possible education through a continued pursuit of a great liberal arts study. Also, I expect to develop a well rounded set of life skills that will help me to make better decisions and to excel in my working environment.

Acoustical Engineering Job

An individual is needed who can help develop acoustical technology. Should have good leadership qualities, the ability to work in a team, creative thinking, critical thinking abilities, the ability to solve complex problems, possess self-motivation, and have a strong passion for their work.

In order to get ready for this type of job, I need to continue to pursue a higher level of education. I need to develop better critical and creative thinking habits. And I need to keep up with my studies.

College Writing

When I write a paper I sit down and simply begin to type. I do a little brainstorming prior to… but not very much. I do the majority of my thinking as I type. I will do little mini-revisions as I type and make sure that my paper is grammatically correct. (Spell Check helps me out a lot too)

I used to procrastinate terribly when I wrote my papers in high school. I was one of those kids who started their papers at midnight two days before the final copy was due. This is one main thing that I plan on changing for college.

I don’t have any specific way of coming up with ideas. I listen to the instructor and look over the sheet that is handed out and normally an idea will come to me. Even if there could be something better to write about, I just roll with the topic that I pick.


Blogging is new to me. I never did it before this class and I haven’t even done it for any other classes… I kind of enjoy it… It’s something new and can be a refreshing change of pace… I’m not sure how you could make the experience any better…

What works for me when I blog is just typing whatever comes to my mind. As long as the questions are answered the overall goal is attained. So, I don’t spend a ton of time thinking about what I should write… I just start to type…


When I’m outside of class, I don’t read very much. However, when I do, I read fiction novels and some poetry.

When I choose to read a book, I try to really get involved with the text. I make an effort to put myself into the book and basically turn it into a movie. When I get assigned a writing that I have to read and respond to I am constantly analyzing it. I don’t really enjoy the reading as much because I spend all of my time stopping to make sure that I understand what I’m reading. I really don’t like how my brain works in this matter, but it gets me good grades… 🙂

The Change

I’ve never been good with change. When my parents divorced it nearly tore me apart. I went into a chronic depression and had therapy. It was hard to deal with that major change in my life but it has taught me a valuable lesson.


My story will start in the summer after my senior year in high school. Normally I would be weightlifting in the school’s weight room with all the other football players during the off-season. But this year, I have to work out on my own. It wasn’t terrible, but I sure didn’t like it. Instead of the normal routine of waking up at 6:30 in the morning and dragging myself to lifting, I wake up at 7 and go work on roofs for some extra money. The work was even harder than the normal workouts that Coach Koedam put us through. After that, I would go home and shower. Maybe take a nap. Then I got ready for my main job, the Pizza Ranch. I would normally work from around 4 or 5 till we closed. I love the people that work there, so it was fun.


I went through the summer in this new routine and just took things as they came. It was fun. I went shooting, played some basketball at the local park, lifted, and worked. All was fine until the wednesday before I moved into the dorms came. Mom was talking to me about what to pack and Jordan kept saying things that he wanted to do to my room when he got it. It stressed me out. I started to get really irritated and was freaking out on everyone for the smallest things.


Then thursday came. everything got worse. I started packing up all of my belongings. My stomach was turning and nothing was making me feel any better. Don’t get me wrong, I was excited. But I couldn’t make my mind relax.


Then, Friday. This was the worst day. My family was with me but I felt totally disconnected. My entire world was changing. I couldn’t understand what was happening. I had never experienced something so frightening as the feeling of sheer lonesomeness. I hated every moment of it. Until, finally, someone that I recognized came to the rescue. My friend luke and I started to hang out. We invited a few people and went over to his house. It was great! I wasn’t the only one seeking some sort of companionship. I met a couple new people and had a blast.


Now I am settled into a new routine. Go to class, do homework, go to work, hang out. I feel better about being here and don’t have that disconnected feeling anymore. I think that this is going to be a great experience and possibly the best days of my life.


In the past I have had a variety of different writing types. I have done satire, descriptive, informative, and a few others.

Almost everything that I have done is fictional. The only nonfiction writing that I did was in my sophomore year. They are different because not only is one fictional and one nonfictional, but in fiction, you can have more free will than in nonfiction. Also report papers are very structured. I prefer to do writing in a free will environment. In all the writings, proper grammar is required and it needs to be well arranged.

In writing a blog, I simply type whatever comes to my head because it is very simple and I know that my audience is my peers and my instructor.

Time Management

One technique that I have used in the past to manage my time is by keeping a schedule on my computer. This lets me see when I have time to hang out, study, ect…

This has worked for me very well. One other thing that I have tried is keeping an assignment book. It really hasn’t worked because I forget to write my assignments down in it.

I only have one goal for my time management in college and that is to keep up in all my classes while managing to keep my part-time job and maintain a healthy social life.

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