October, 2011

Revising vs. Editing

Revising is looking at the reorganization, cutting, and moving around of ideas within your paper. Editing is when you look past all the ideas of purpose, audience, and topic and look at sentence structure and word choice within your paper.

Knowing this, I can better evaluate my own papers as well as other’s papers within the class.


I want to get a degree in Engineering Physics. I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to be an engineer. I love everything that it entails. I plan to become an Acoustical Engineer. Engineering Physics provides such a wide variety of job opportunities that I am also planning to minor in Spanish and in Music.

College life

I’ve learned how to enjoy the free time that i have now that I have been in college for a while. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and have learned that no matter what, something will always happen to make you second guess a decision. Like the clutch going out of my new car two months after I bought it for example.

One thing that effects the college and classroom experience is the different types of instructors. Some are laid back while others are up tight and all will make you work. Another is the types of friends that you have. Some people are great at giving advise while others are just fun to hang out with.


Some different identities that I have and let show during the week are the responsible coworker, the cool guy friend, the good boyfriend, and the good student.

These all come together to show the “version” of me that I want people to see. When I am in class I want the teacher and other students to think that I am smart but when I am hanging with the guys I want them to think I am fun to hang out with.


I can count on one hand the number of classes that I have had to study for. I normally don’t study unless I feel that the material is really difficult. I like the fact that most classes come fairly easily to me.

Whenever I do study, I usually just look over any notes or formulas that were given to us or I took over the course. Other than that, I don’t really have to study or put any serious review time into any courses.

When I do study, I normally am successful in my attempt. I am also a good test taker and don’t freeze up so that helps me in my ability to be confident going into my exams.

Things I enjoy

I like to be active. I enjoy playing sports and hanging out with friends. I actually like doing activities with this CAD program we are using in my Engineering Graphics class.

I also enjoy hanging out with my friends. Playing sports, watching sports, and basically anything to do with sports.