March, 2012

Women in Congress

With this topic come a lot of different feelings and emotions from everyone. Are women better for the workforce and politics specifically? Well, according to studies, yes! This work shows a recent study that has proven that women can be more efficient in a group. They have a better “collective intelligence” than a group of men do. This comes about because of the fact that women are more cooperative in problem solving whereas men are more likely to be stubborn and not budge on their side of an issue. So, why don’t we have more women in congress? Well, I don’t know exactly why. People need to be subjected to this news and these findings so that they will vote for more women. Now, there is the topic of making a law for a necessary amount of women in congress. This could potentially prove fatal. If we put people into congress that aren’t qualified to be there, the collective intelligence of the group will get much lower because they aren’t as educated or aware of the surroundings. It is important that we get more women in congress, but we need to be weary of a minimum requirement that could cause people who don’t deserve the job to get it over some other people who do deserve it. I’m not saying that women are not as intelligent as men by any means. I’m just trying to say that we should be careful in anything that deals with politics.

Crying in Politics

It has been known for ages that crying can help you get what you want. When you are a little kid and you get yelled at you cry to get them to stop yelling. It gets sympathy from others and helps get them to support you when you get their emotions drawn into the mix. John Boehner is a politician around the same age as my dad. My dad will cry at almost anything. If there is a single sad part in any movie he will cry. I feel like John might be the same way. It’s a way to let out emotion that builds up. Now, John Boehner is also a politician. Politicians often lie. I’m not saying that John is a lier, but it is possible that he is letting his emotions flow freely. This can cause people to be sympathetic and supportive.

Size Matters

I don’t fully understand why we take peoples’ body image into account when they are running for a spot in government office. Quite honestly I would rather that a person agreed with me on specific issues than have them look pleasing. If we let our judgement be altered by the looks of a person then we could end up in a very sticky issue down the road. Even though the study in this reading shows a difference for bigger men and thinner women, it was a very small difference in consideration. There was only a 10 percent difference between the largest and smallest values. When considering four different politicians that is quite manageable. But if this trend gets more severe, we could be facing some very severe issues in the future.