Sixteen with a Journey to Take

November 28, 2019

At sixteen years old, Bryce Reynolds traveled to Chicago to play basketball. The 8-hour drive got him there to play with an AAU team. Things were smooth playing the game he loved until he dislocated his hip and had no idea of the six month recovery. The journey he was now on was “grueling and needed to be taken one, small step at a time.”

This was the summer before his sophomore year of high school at the beginning of July. Surgery was needed to reattach torn tendons, realign his hip, and shave off some bone to reduce further irritation. The six months started with surgery and two weeks at home in a wheelchair for his sixteen year old self.

Reynolds said, “I hated to talk about it so I never really brought it up and kept everything to myself.”

Four months of crutches and rehab was the next step, teaching his leg to walk again. Once he could walk again, it was all about strength and mobility in his core and hips.

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