Last Conversation

My roommate, Tate, came into the room at approximately 9:20am. While he was walking in he was watching a video, I couldn’t tell what the video was about but I assumed it was a TikTok video. I groggily woke up to see what the commotion was and he pleasantly looked at me and said “hi”, while waving at me. I greeted him back and laid my head back on the pillow for a few more minutes. When I finally got out of bed I noticed he was wearing his Spark Train hat, his favorite, as well as shorts and a t-shirt. I noticed that the curls in his hair are not very tight anymore. I realized he had just gotten back from another class.

One thought on “Last Conversation

  1. fuglsang

    Nicely done, Cooper. I don’t think I would ver notice the tightness of curls, but it seems like a relevant detail. Your roommate is not taking care of himself.

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