Features, Morningside People

Seniors’ Plans After Graduation

indexBy Kayla Perkins—As the semester reaches its final weeks many people are making plans for summer vacation. However, the senior class is preparing for much more as graduation rapidly approaches.

As they reach their final days at Morningside College we have to wonder what they plan to do in the coming years. Some seniors have plans to go on to graduate school, while others plan to go straight into the work force. There are some who plan on going to graduate school at a later time, opting instead to focus on work in the meantime.

Some seniors want to continue their studies past an undergraduate degree and decide to move on to graduate school. Graduate school can be at another campus or classes that can be taken online.

One person who has applied to online graduate school is Donna Habinck. Habinck is getting an ungraduated degree in English and art when she graduates on May 9th.

“I’ve applied to Western Governor’s Union. It’s an online self-paced school. I want to get my Masters [degree] in English, and an English teaching degree,” she said.

Habinck also plans to work full time, allowing her to support herself while furthering her education.

“I’m looking into several job opportunities. One is a librarian position in Akron and another is a Headstart teacher [position].”

There are many students who decide that they either do not want to go to graduate school, or want to take graduate classes at a later time, and opt to go straight into the work force.

Aly McKinley is one of the few who does not plan on attending graduate school immediately after graduation but wants to at a later date.

“I want to take some time to get a job and earn some money, so when I do go to graduate school I am financially stable and can focus on school,” McKinley said.

Many others have decided not to attend graduate school and will move directly to working full time.

The senior graduation ceremony takes place on May 9th and until then the seniors are focusing on getting through these next few weeks.

Habinck said, “Being a senior is very stressful, but it’s a very proud moment to realize that we are so close to graduating. It’s been fun.”

April 22, 2015

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