Television Show Review: Breaking Bad
Arts & Entertainment

Television Show Review: Breaking Bad

breakingbadlargeBy Taylor Pluim—Binge watching is becoming a term that most college students are familiar with. For only about $8 a month for Netflix, even most college students can afford that. Netflix offers movies, TV shows, and documentaries, giving people a wide variety for what they want to watch. But with all of these options it can be hard to decide what to watch. Well from someone who has a little habit of binge watching, I have to say that Breaking Bad has been my favorite and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to start a new series on Netflix. There has been a lot of talk about Breaking Bad and has even been considered by some critics as the best show ever. And in my opinion, I would agree.

The plot of the show revolves around a high school chemistry teacher, Walter White, and one of his old students, Jesse Pinkman. After being diagnosed with lung cancer, Walter wants to be able to leave some money behind for his family. After his DEA brother-in-law, Hank, shows him footage from a drug bust and seeing how much money could be made from a small meth lab, Walter decides that cooking and selling meth is his best option. He knows that his former student Jesse is in the meth business. And since Walter doesn’t know much about selling meth, he asks Jesse to be his partner. After a threat from Walter that he will turn him in if he doesn’t agree, Jesse gives in and partners up with him.

The show is truly original with the right mix of action, drama, and suspense, along with some comedy. What makes this show so profound is the transformation of Walter White. He goes from being a boring chemistry teacher to a murdering meth lord. Although he becomes the bad guy and does some horrible things, it is still almost irresistible to hope things work out for him.

The show also leaves you with the right amount of suspense at the end of every show. It leaves you wanting more, but doesn’t get you to keep watching just for the sake of knowing what happens next. The show could be described as wonderfully depressing. The show is constantly filled with tragedy, but there is still hope that somehow everything will work out in the end.

Every show keeps you entertained and makes you sad when it ends, with the exception of the “Fly” episode, which you’ll see. I give the show a 10/10 and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new TV series to start on Netflix.

February 3, 2015

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