Film Review: The Thing Double Feature
Arts & Entertainment

Film Review: The Thing Double Feature

MV5BMTMxMjI0MzUyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc1NzE5NQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_By Nik Rasmussen– One of the most terrifying aliens in the inter-universe could be someone close to you. The Thing is a highly intelligent shape-shifting mother.

In the 80’s a team of scientists unearth the remains of an alien, and it’s shipped out of the ice in Antarctica.  Unknown to this team of scientists, the remains that had been trapped in ice for over 100,000 years were still active.

As soon as enough of the ice melted, the Thing was free to move anywhere with in the facility.  It was discovered that the Thing had replaced one of the scientist.  The Thing could be anyone. The team has to work together in order to stop the thing from escaping to a populated area killing millions.

The Thing is a classic monster only rivaled by the blob.  If you have never seen any of the Thing movies, know this: The original Thing alien was more of a combination of Frankenstein and a plant.  That film was black and white from 1951, The Thing From Another World.

Then John Carpenter in 1982 made the Thing as it is known today.  John Carpenter’s 1982 the Thing takes place after the Thing released in 2013.  John Carpenter, a master in the horror film world talked about two types of fear.  Let’s say you’re sitting with friends around of campfire for example.  1.  The fear out in the darkness, which is the more common of the two.  2.  The fear from within.  The Thing is an example of what happens when those two fears happen at the same time.

This has been a Morningside movie review, with your host Nik Rasmussen returning to you the magic of movies.

December 12, 2014

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