
International Peace Day


By Claire De Roin–
The International Students Association brought International Peace Day to campus with a paper crane folding table outside of the cafeteria Wednesday, September 21.

Chisato Murillo and Jessica Sievers were staffing the table at dinner, teaching students how to fold square pieces of paper into cranes. Each colorful paper bore a fact about international issues such as violence against women and the financial state of third-world countries.

Some students folded their cranes quickly with little instruction while others needed help on each step. Murillo and Sievers were patient and helpful through the entire process with each new student. In addition, there were many other ISA members at the table throughout the day.

How did the event come about?

Nancy Waterstraat, a junior counseling psychology/international affairs double major, originally from Stralsund, Germany, got the idea for the event while looking at her calendar. “I saw that September 21 was International Peace Day. I did some research. I found out that it’s the first meeting of the General Assembly of the U.N. Basically, this was a spur of the moment idea. Origami cranes are a symbol of peace, so that’s why we decided to go with them.”

September 26, 2011

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