I heart my tandem bicycle

Everywhere is walking distance, if you make the time.
What about vegetable/ fast food fuel?

Would it be possible for the U.S. to develop a transportation system similar to Mexico’s?

Let’s geek it out for a minute

After reading the article, I find myself in agreement with both sides presented in the argument. Personally, I think that the social media provided by the internet is a great way to stay connected with friends and family. However, I also believe that the internet is not the best way to form social relationships with others.

I am Woman–Hear Me RAWR!

Should Heinz have broken into the druggist store to steal the drug for his wife?

My response: Ummm…sure, if Heinze intended to kill his wife. Due to my extensive background in chemistry (and a quick Google search), I was able to conclude that Radium is a radioactive element. Now, although we use radiation as a method of treatment for cancer patients, Radium is no longer the preferred metal for treatment. Part of this is due to the fact that over exposure can lead to the development of skin sores, anemia, and even bone cancer. According to Wikipedia, the body treats radium like calcium and is therefore deposited in the bones. From this location, the “radioactivity degrades marrow and can mutate bone cells.” With this information, we may logically conclude that the effects of the drug have a higher possibility of worsening Heinz’s wife’s condition. Additionally, the article states that the drug “might save her,” not that it will save her. Therefore, I think that logically, Heinz should not have broken in to the store and stolen the drug for his wife. Furthermore, on a basis for ethical reasoning, I also believe that Heinz should not have stolen the drug for his wife, because chances are the police will be able to link the crime back to him, so while his wife is recovering or still dying, he would be in jail (in addition to paying a hefty fine)  left unable to spend the remainder of his wife’s life with her.

Comments, questions, and concerns from the peanut gallery:

Of course a man would write a book about woman’s inability to arrive at an appropriate response. (Page 9, Paragraph 1, last sentence=a BIG no no.)

A sixth grade girl does not speak for all woman.

A memorable quote from the 1999 film The Virgin Suicides, during the doctor’s analysis of a girl’s mental health:

Doctor: What are you doing here, honey? You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets.
Cecilia: Obviously, Doctor, you’ve never been a 13-year-old girl.

Decisions we make today arrive from our past experiences.

In reference to page 10, what field of work or study does the 25 year old male participate in? Why is it relevant to know that the 25 year old female was a third-year law student?

Go make your own sandwich.



Insert Political Statment __________

Summary: To be concise, both articles presented the argument that there is a direct relationship between politics and music. After supporting their claim by providing multiple examples of historical movements in politics and specific music examples, it was concluded in both articles that music does have a varying degree of influence on politics, and vice versa.

Article #1: This article emphasizes on the how the style of rap developed, due to its high influence in politics. It was the Trinidadan Carnival style that introduced modrenday rap battles to society. According to the article, “If they encountered rival groups, they would throw down a challenge in song, known as a ‘clinda.'” With that said, it was also mentioned that the Trinidadan Carnival style had a great influence on the Calypso style of music, which introduced the rhythms and beats that now make up the sound quality of today’s rap songs. The article also emphasized on the political fights that often broke out, due to the participation in this music style.

Article#2: This article emphasized how political issues influenced/inspired music. Although this may seem like a positive effect, the music was actually designed for society to realize the flaws within their political system. Additionally, the author of this article used some of his own musical creations to support his claim. “Many of my own political works take this approach as well, including: “Soldier Songs,” about what war does to the people who fight it; “and the sky was still there,” about a close friends difficult struggle with “don’t ask don’t tell;” and “Haunt of Last Nightfall,” which revisits the U.S.-funded (and subsequently covered-up) 1981 massacre at El Mozote, El Salvador.”

My Bite of the Cupcake: I guess that my instant response regarding politics and music is that there is non, unless if you’re referring to the politics found within the music industry…But after at least thinking about the possibility for a short amount of time, I have come to realize that much of today’s and yesterday’s most successful songs do, in fact, hold hands with politics. Let us not forget of Michael Jackson’s venomous hit “Billy Jeanor of Fort Minor’s “Where’d You Go.” Below I have shared a song of which I believe attacks the issue of war by tugging at the heart strings of its audience. However, please note that the same song is also being used in the second video, yet it portrays a completely different meaning as it hopes to hit home for global warming.

Stars “Celebration Guns”

Moms Against Climate Change

Occupy My Blog!

Complements to MAC, last Friday I was able to attend a free midnight screening of In Time. This slightly better than average film featuring Justin Timberlake (singer from children of the 90’s pop sensation “N*Sync”) and Amanda Seyfried (Karen Smith from Meangirls; “…one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet.”) managed to provide enough entertainment to prevent me from snoring in the theater. However, after looking back at the overall meaning of the movie, and further interpretive concepts, I see that it is almost a mirror image of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The idea of “equal distribution amongst all people” has been a reoccurring theme throughout the world’s history. Regardless if it was equal distribution of time, goods, money, food, or even representation in government, this theme has always found a way into society’s most problematic issues. It comes as no surprise to me that many “Occupy” movements have been launched, not only in the U.S., but across the world as well. Inspired by the non-violent actions Gandhi, Egyptians sought voting rights from their government. Furthermore, Chilean citizens are currently protesting through an “Occupy Schools” movement. So far, most Chilean students have not attended classes since last May; hoping to publicize Chili’s educational problems. Personally, I greatly appreciate the intentions and effort put forth by all people’s participating in “Occupy Movements”. However, I must ask, are the original intentions of such movements still intact, or have they deviated? If the motivations have deviated, then what may have caused such deviations?

For your enjoyment: The Protest Song


Sarah Sorenson’s Nightmare Before Christmas

Okay everybody, mark your calendars because the day has been saved–Friday, November 25th, 2011 aka BLACK FRIDAY. To many non-early-risers this is just another Friday (with the exception of weighing 7Ibs more.) However, for me and my family this is the Friday where we buy a majority of Christmas gifts for our family members, friends, and sometimes ourselves. Preparing for such an event takes time and days of scouting-out stores (parking, store entrances/exits, cart location, possible item locations, and interviewing store employees about product quantities); not to mention the amount of patience required when looking through coupon books and store flyers. It is vital that everything is planned out ahead of time and that everyone sticks to the plan, or else it becomes nearly impossible to get what you want for such a steal.

Some people may think that Black Friday Shoppers are insane, but tell me, is it really insane to pass up the opportunity of purchasing a brand new, Nook Color for $60? Now, I know that Black Friday has a bad reputation for stampedes, deaths, being animalistic, and also for exposing a person for their true selfishness (shall we remember “Jingle All the Way”?).  I mean, last year I was even held at knife-point until I forfeited a Kodak digital camera, no joke! Sometimes it is easy to forget the humanity when consumed by poison.

However, in all honesty, I’m not in on Black Friday for the prices (sometimes), but rather I’m in on it because of the family bonding aspect. Okay, I know, it does not really sound like “family fun time,” but in order for Black Friday to work, my family must unite and cooperate as a team. Black Friday provides my family with an opportunity to put effort into our relationships under the circumstances of: sleep deprivation, hunger, stress, and not to mention, a time constraint. I know it might sound rather strange, but it is true. I guess you could say that Black Friday is my family’s way of getting ready for the Holiday season; the less time we have to spend worrying about getting gifts for people, the more time we have to enjoy one anothers company.

Pause…and reflect.

After reviewing my previous posts, I have come to the conclusion that “modes of communication” seams to be a reoccurring theme. We all understand that communication is potent in today’s society, but do we understand that there is more than one way to communicate? For instance, in the reading regarding callignosia readers were introduced to the idea of communication using our five senses (primarily sight). Where as in Cicero, readers were introduced to communication through the eloquence of oratory. On the other hand, Kurt Vonnegut, Junior introduced readers to communicating through sarcasm in oratory. (In other words, Vonnegut and Cicero focus on the presentation of communication.) Furthermore, readers were allowed to witness communication  through our physical actions, while watching the sports video clips linked to the sports readings. In closing, the Fractals documentary explains how the use of language can be used to communicate with others. Language can be expressed mathematically, artistically, musically, literarily, physically, and orally.


Old dog, new tricks?




Summary: After reading Kurt Vonnegut, Junior’s first speech, many readers may be slightly confused. However, after following the complex structure and countless stories of his speech, Vonnegut clearly states that it is not our responsibility to save the world, but rather we should help our elders do so. Similar to his first speech, Vonnegut, Juniors last speech repeats same content with the exception that he utilizes more sarcasm and incorporates more Biblical references.

Response: Well, considering the fact that I am a complete optimist, I was almost brought to tears after reading Kurt Vonnegut, Junior’s first speech. I mean, at your graduation would you really like to be told that you are “much too young to save the wold and that, after after they (you)  got their (your) diplomas, they (you) should go swimming and sailing and walking, and  just fool around?” In addition to “You don’t have the money and the power. You don’t have the appearance of grave maturity–even though you may be gravely mature. You don’t even now how to handle dynamite.” Honestly, I would not. Furthermore, I find these two speeches to be very similar in structure and content with the main difference being that Vonnegut has gained more of a sarcastic-comedic relief since his first speech. Personally, I found the overall structure of his speech to be rather confusing. He would jump around from one topic to the next, for what reasons were not answered until the end of his speeches.



Review: You may not know exactly what a “fractal” is, however, I can guarantee that you have seen one. According to the NOVA episode, a fractal is “an odd-looking shape” that is characterized by the endless repetition (iteration) of jigs and jags. Originally studied by Benoit Mandelbrot, a fractal can easily be made by “taking a smooth-looking shape and breaking it into pieces, over and over again.” A fractal is useful when interpreting mathematical systems into everyday life. For instance, fractals can be used to understand a person’s heartbeat, in addition to understanding basic structures of nature, like trees or lightning. Furthermore, Mandelbrot claimed that a key element to understanding fractal geometry is to “think not of what you see, but what it took to produce what you see.” With this in mind, it is easier to understand why the scientists towards the end of the NOVA episode went about their ways.

Response:  In a way, I feel like I just got done watching the season premiere of NUMB3Rs. I mean, I am completely mind-boggled that such a thing exists. Yet, at the same token I see how it makes sense. Every time I read or hear about scientists and mathematicians coming up with equations to define the natural world and how it works I become instantly AMAZED! I cannot imagine ever doing such a thing!!! Now a fractal…WOW! That’s something! Not only can a fractal be used as an element of design and fashion, but it can also be used to determine the amount of carbon dioxide a forest absorbs. In agreement with the NOVA episode, I can only hope that a fractal will help in the future medical field. However, I have just one question to ask out of mere technological frustration: If fractals are being used in my computer for a wireless connection, then why is it so hard to connect to the server?!?!?!

My Mr. Wonderful


Blog #3: Manly Men

Summary: Both readings served as means for analyzing what a “real” man is, and how the media portrays masculinity in society. According to “The Televised Manhood Sports Formula” there are seven components used by televised sports announcers and proceeding commercials to portray masculinity to boys (ages 8-17 years): 1) White males 2) Women as sexy props or prizes for MEN’S successful sport performances/consumption choices 3) Aggressive winners 4) Humorous/sarcastic discussions of fights or near-fights 5) A sacrificial body 6) References to war,  and 7) Risky behavior. These seven components of televised masculinity become conscious to the viewers of TSN Top 10 Creative Hockey Goals. In regards to ESPN’s writer LZ Granderson, it all depends on how you define “manly”. Granderson uses many examples to demonstrate both sides of the story, however, he truly hits home when he asks, “Is it not hypocritical of us to demand that athletes respect marriage vows and their families, but then not want those athletes to take time off during such an important time?”

Response: While reading both of this weeks readings, I found myself becoming more bitter towards our society’s outlook on masculinity. In my personal opinion, I believe that there should not be an ideal status of how “manly” a man should be. According to the readings, masculinity is a combination of physic/physical appearance and character. However, could there be more to the combination of masculinity, for instance intelligence? Furthermore, I greatly detest the use of a woman’s body as a “sexy prop”, let alone a prize. I mean, in a way, could that be seen as a form of prostitution or even sex trafficking?

However, I must ask: is the emphasis of masculinity in our society more than, less than, or equal to the the emphasis of femininity (not to be confused with beauty) in our society?


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