Pause…and reflect.

After reviewing my previous posts, I have come to the conclusion that “modes of communication” seams to be a reoccurring theme. We all understand that communication is potent in today’s society, but do we understand that there is more than one way to communicate? For instance, in the reading regarding callignosia readers were introduced to the idea of communication using our five senses (primarily sight). Where as in Cicero, readers were introduced to communication through the eloquence of oratory. On the other hand, Kurt Vonnegut, Junior introduced readers to communicating through sarcasm in oratory. (In other words, Vonnegut and Cicero focus on the presentation of communication.) Furthermore, readers were allowed to witness communication  through our physical actions, while watching the sports video clips linked to the sports readings. In closing, the Fractals documentary explains how the use of language can be used to communicate with others. Language can be expressed mathematically, artistically, musically, literarily, physically, and orally.


1 Comment

  1.   Trisha Said:

    on October 11, 2011 at 5:37 PM

    Do you think that one mode of communication is more important that the others? Why or why not?

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