I am Woman–Hear Me RAWR!

Should Heinz have broken into the druggist store to steal the drug for his wife?

My response: Ummm…sure, if Heinze intended to kill his wife. Due to my extensive background in chemistry (and a quick Google search), I was able to conclude that Radium is a radioactive element. Now, although we use radiation as a method of treatment for cancer patients, Radium is no longer the preferred metal for treatment. Part of this is due to the fact that over exposure can lead to the development of skin sores, anemia, and even bone cancer. According to Wikipedia, the body treats radium like calcium and is therefore deposited in the bones. From this location, the “radioactivity degrades marrow and can mutate bone cells.” With this information, we may logically conclude that the effects of the drug have a higher possibility of worsening Heinz’s wife’s condition. Additionally, the article states that the drug “might save her,” not that it will save her. Therefore, I think that logically, Heinz should not have broken in to the store and stolen the drug for his wife. Furthermore, on a basis for ethical reasoning, I also believe that Heinz should not have stolen the drug for his wife, because chances are the police will be able to link the crime back to him, so while his wife is recovering or still dying, he would be in jail (in addition to paying a hefty fine)  left unable to spend the remainder of his wife’s life with her.

Comments, questions, and concerns from the peanut gallery:

Of course a man would write a book about woman’s inability to arrive at an appropriate response. (Page 9, Paragraph 1, last sentence=a BIG no no.)

A sixth grade girl does not speak for all woman.

A memorable quote from the 1999 film The Virgin Suicides, during the doctor’s analysis of a girl’s mental health:

Doctor: What are you doing here, honey? You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets.
Cecilia: Obviously, Doctor, you’ve never been a 13-year-old girl.

Decisions we make today arrive from our past experiences.

In reference to page 10, what field of work or study does the 25 year old male participate in? Why is it relevant to know that the 25 year old female was a third-year law student?

Go make your own sandwich.



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