Scavenger Hunt: Two Objectives

As part of the class, I had two objectives where the answers came from talking to new/random people. The two objectives were to find someone with a breath mint and the second objective was to find a piece of good advice.

For this assignment, I went in the Krone advising center and asked Shari Benson if she had a mint or piece of gum or if she had any good advice to tell me. She laughed and said, “I have a mint right here for you”. No questions were asked as she handed over the mint.

For the second objective, I went in the Buhler Ross front office and asked Rich Crow “if you could give me one good piece of advice, what would it be?” He took a moment to think and process then soon after he asked, “what’s this for?” And I explained it was for a journalism class. He understood and answered with “Never be afraid to ask”. “Asking will never hurt and will only help” Rich said. The two individuals cooperated very well and created good convo.

Mint Given by Shari Benson