Nov 17 2022

Profile Image of Tyson

Honesty is Key

Posted at 10:34 am under Uncategorized

Being honest and having integrity is what Jonah Gleason prides himself on. Even when the opportunity arises to break the rules at his benefit Jonah is honest and does what is right.

The most recent story of Jonah’s honesty was in the Mustang Grill last night. He went to checkout ordering a meal and carrying a protein shake from the fridges that he planned to pay for. When they ringed up his total the protein shake was not added and the cashier was ready to send him on his way to wait for his food.

Instead of walking away saving five dollars he reminded the cashier and had her do a second transaction to charge him for his protein shake. Jonah said ” I didn’t feel right taking the protein shake without paying for it”.

Jonah believes good karma will come his way following his honest actions.

One response so far

One Response to “Honesty is Key”

  1. fuglsangon 22 Nov 2022 at 11:02 am 1

    “… rang up,” I think. I would have asked Jonah to describe the cashier when she realized her mistake. Was she relieved, or did she kind of wave it off?

    I like the inclusion of karma, but how would one know when it happens.

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