Nov 29 2022

Profile Image of Tyson

Push for Armed U.S Forces in Haiti

Posted at 7:53 pm under Uncategorized

The Biden Administration is pushing for armed forces in Haiti after gangs controlled the largest port in the country which has created a feeling of unease for the police and citizens who live there now that it has been liberated.

Haiti’s president was assassinated last year which created terror in the Caribbean. The carnage created by the gangs in these countries has been compared to civil war.

The United States wants to send forces but not it’s own because U.S involvement would most likely result in more migrants coming into the United States.

This is news because the U.S will most likely get involved in Haiti in one way another. With a history of messy intervention in Haiti and risk of a mass migration this is important to be aware of because it could end up effecting the U.S economy especially in states closest to the caribbean.

One response so far

One Response to “Push for Armed U.S Forces in Haiti”

  1. fuglsangon 30 Nov 2022 at 3:11 pm 1

    “Messy” is being kind. These sorts of “intervention” rarely end well, so you’re correct that people need to know what their government is considering. At least Biden is being up front about it. That hasn’t always been the case.

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