Dec 04 2022

Profile Image of Tyson

Profile – Angela Krebs (Teams of Tomorrow)

Posted at 6:46 pm under Uncategorized

Angela Krebs is the owner of a small business in Boulder, Colorado called Teams of Tomorrow. The business is a children’s basketball and educational program combined into one.

A normal day in a class would be for the teacher to first set up the games and area to have the class and then round up the students from the classrooms who paid for the class. Once all the students are ready the class will start with basketball skills with fun music created by the company. After about 15 minutes of basketball the teacher brings the kids together for “Brain Train” where the students will learn something new academically. To wrap it all up usually a fun game is played and each kid gets a Teams of Tomorrow sticker before returning to their classrooms.

Teams of tomorrow is a company based out of Louisiana and has franchises all around the country. The business model of the company is to offer classes at daycares and schools in the area for children who are at school all day. It gives the kids a break from the day to day and is a fun, educational program set to music created by the company.

Before buying into Teams of Tomorrow, Angela was a fourth grade teacher for four years. She loved teaching but clocked countless hours each week grading and planning for her class. In 2016 she and her family moved to Boulder, Colorado from their home in North Carolina and this presented an opportunity.

She discovered Teams of Tomorrow from a friend who had bought in years before and had heard great things about the franchise from that friend. Upon moving to Colorado she decided to take the risk and buy in she said “It wasn’t in Colorado yet so I ran through the process with her and did some research on the market, I decided it was worth trying to start it”.

The first year was the hardest of course. Finding schools to let her in to offer classes with nothing to show yet was hard, but eventually a few schools would give the program a shot and that is all she needed to get the ball rolling. When asking about some of the hardships she answered with ” Keeping good communication with members and the book keeping were probably the hardest part for me”.

Angela now has close to 1000 students enrolled in classes and counting and hosts performances that those students can sign up for at the Denver Nuggets and Harlem Globetrotters games in the area. Her favorite part of the program though is “How rewarding it is to see the kids to catch on to the new skills that we learn”.

When asking for advice to people looking to start small businesses or buy into franchises like she did her response was “If you are passionate about it go for it! Starting Teams of Tomorrow was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

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