News Comment 11/24

November 23rd, 2020

Covid-19 strikes again in this weeks new comment. The Baltimore Ravens are this weeks new football team that had to close up their facility due to 4 positive test for players and staff. Baltimore notified the NFL Monday that 4 test came back positive.

Making them close down the facility at 4:30pm today before they had practice. This makes it hard on the Ravens who site at 6-4 in this weeks standing. Having player miss in and out due to the Covid protocol where even if they did not test positive for it. If that where in close contact they still have to go into isolation for five consecutive Covid test.

Overall, this article was very weak it was almost like just a head up to everyone that is a Baltimore fan that the facility is shut down. The article also did not give information on who tested positive only that they are in isolation. So, people don’t know if it could really affect the team the bad depending on who the player is.

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