
Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

imgresBy Amber Burg– Halloween is coming upon us, bringing out the scariest and cutest costumes. A main problem for some people is: What to be?

If you haven’t decided yet, it’s okay. You can still throw together a costume that isn’t a stark white sheet of a ghost.

Anything Disney. Picking your favorite character from a Disney movie is always an option. It’s also really simple. Want to go as Belle from Beauty and the Beast? Find a blue dress in your closet, grab an apron, and a book. That’s all you need. If Disney isn’t your thing, pick a character from any movie. It still works the same easy way. All you have to do is find a picture of them and try to replicate their outfit.

Make a pun on anything. A famous one from the last year has been wearing different shades of grey and thus playing off of the book “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Another is duck taping the words “Go Ceiling Go” on a shirt and be a ceiling fan. A personal favorite is a white t-shirt with the words “error 409 costume not found” scribbled a crossed in sharpie.

If you’re a fan of blood and gore and want a scarier approach, there is always a flesh hungry zombie. It just needs old clothes that can get ruined. Blood recipes are easy and can be found by the dozen on Google. Zombies work well as anything. Zombie bride, zombie princess, zombie farmer, the list goes on and on.

For the guys out there looking for a fast fix, if you like to dress up in a suit, go as Men in Black. You can also wear any sporting jersey and go as a player from that team. All you need to do is go through your closet. It’s not hard to find something that resembles a costume.

If you’re feeling really creative, find some cardboard and paper. If you put forth a little effort, you can make numerous things out of cardboard. I hear one girl that was going to go as a car air freshener. The ones shaped like a tree. She was just going to cut it out and paint it green for pine fresh. Besides an air freshener, you could make a Lego figure or make a sign for a hobo.

Look around the room. Start getting those creative juices flowing. Good places to start getting some ideas are Google and Pinterest. They are rich in easy last minute costumes. It’s not hard to piece one together last minute.



October 30, 2014

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