News Comment #5

September 30, 2022

“For Weather Reporters, How Close to a Storm is Too Close?”

Jim Cantore, a reporter, for The Weather Channel, was struck by flying debris during a live broadcast this week.

Hurricane Ian has been impacting citizens of Florida. Many news channels are reporting on this to keep everyone informed on the situation.

This article talks about one weather reporter, Jim Cantrore, and his experience with Hurricane Ian. He was reporting in 110 mile-per-hour winds when he was struck by a tree branch.

One thing which is questioned in this article is the morals and ethics that fall within the dangerous conditions we put reporters in.

I thought it was smart how the author related this situation to its social media presence. Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook can help spread this information.

I think the article was well written, but had a few too many quotes for my liking. The information was given well, but the quotes seemed to have overtaken the important information at times.

I would have written more information about the other reporters who have to put their own lives at risk to deliver news to their channel.

Target Financial Report

September 29, 2022

The Target 2021 annual report was written directed towards shareholders of the company.

CEO, Brian Cornell, said to the shareholders, “But even as we celebrate extraordinary near-term progress, we remain much closer to the start of our growth than the end of it.”

Cornell is very confident in saying Target will continue to give tremendous value to all shareholders and stakeholders in the coming years. Much of this planned success will come from the after-tax return Target will receive, which is expected to be in the high 20-30% range.

In 2017, the total sales revenue (in millions) was $71,786. In comparison, the 2021 total sales revenue was $104,611. This tremendous increase is cohesive among every statistic given. The 2021 numbers are by far larger than the previous years.

With these statistics, Cornell can be confident to say Target’s profits will continue to increase in the following years. This will be achieved with the team, strategies, and capabilities the company has acquired.

Byanka’s Hobbies!

September 27, 2022

Byanka Olivarez has undertaken quite a few hobbies while at Morningside University! When she is not working for the campus security, she enjoys reading, writing, and listening to music.

Byanka said, “Hobbies have almost always never been there for me. With college, it’s something I’ve recently chosen to do to keep me from burning out with homework.”

When listening to music, Byanka is open to any genre! She specifically enjoys old Spanish music, although. She often times opens Spotify and chooses a pre-made mix at random and listens to it.

Byanka is currently reading the Dreamland Billionaire series as well. She is also interested in romance and scientific fiction books.

When asking Byanka what about reading fascinates her, she said, “Once I pick up the book, I can’t put it down. I’ll go to bed at 2 AM because I don’t want to stop reading.”

Journaling has also become a recent hobby of Byanka! She used to bullet journal and write creatively, however now she writes more on the personal goal side. Byanka chooses to journal at the end of each day to reflect on what she did and how she felt.

Byanka enjoys journaling at the end of the day because, “Sometimes when I have a really bad day, I’ll write down something positive in my journal. That way I’m always ending the day reflecting on something good.”

Reflection Assingment

September 25, 2022

In paper #1, I spoke about Queen Elizabeth’s death. I would say I put the most effort into the researching process as a whole. Knowing the Queen passed away was common knowledge, but learning more about her reign and the country as a whole was quite interesting. The paper only required three sources, but I ended up reading many more articles about the topic. By knowing more information, I feel as though I can give a proper opinion. 

I wish I had spent more time learning about the current effects on the nation. I was able to read a lot about her ruling and all of the impact she had, but was not successful in researching what will happen in the future. Since a lot of questions are in the air, it was difficult to find much information on what will definitely happen for the country’s future. I was able to ask my roommate, Kirstin, about the topic which helped greatly since she is from England. 

I would say the most difficult part about writing this paper was properly formatting it. I had so much information about the topic, I was not sure where to start and in which direction I wanted the paper to go. After my rough draft meeting, I was able to create an idea of what I wanted my final paper to look like. I decided to make a list of everything the paper talked about and write down what order the topics should be in. After doing this, I was able to format my paper in a way which I was content with.

The biggest problem I encountered was making sure my paper seemed like a “standard” newspaper article. I know in my previous News Comment assignments I had struggled with summarizing rather than stating my opinion, so I made sure to do both of these things in the paper. Making sure I was successful with this issue came after my Rough Draft meeting. I decided to look over my paper and ensure that it had all of the information I felt I needed. 

News Comment #4

September 21, 2022

“Companies Are Cutting Back on Maternity and Paternity Leave.”

The lede of this article is “Many employers are shrinking the number of paid weeks of maternity and paternity leave they will offer.” I think the author wrote a good lede by explaining what the article is going to be about without completely giving away all of the information.

Some employers are shrinking the amount of paid leave they offer parents. In 2020, the paid maternity leave was 53%. This is now a much smaller 35%.

Paternity time has been shrunk as well. The paid leave was 44% in 2020, whereas now, it is 27%.

While statistics are important, this article seemed to have had too many. We didn’t read a quote from someone whom is experiencing these problems. I would have enjoyed to see more real-life examples earlier on in the article.

I did enjoy reading how some companies are retaliating against this, although. WSJ wrote “As some companies take leaves away, others are expanding benefits, widening the divide between workers who have parental supports at work and those who don’t.”

This quote made me want to look more into what the decision-making process looks like on the managerial side of a company.

Scavenger Hunt

September 20, 2022

I talked to Jennifer Braunschweig who is the Office Manager in the Morningside Business Department. I had walked into the Business Department and was immediately greeted with a smile by Jenn! When I asked for her autograph, she was more than happy to write it on my paper for me. She asked what class it was for, so we began having a conversation about this class, Fundamentals of Journalism, and all it entails. Jenn and I had a very pleasant conversation, I would give it 5 stars. 🙂

I had also run into Jerenia Hanson in the Business Department and had a conversation with her about a current news event. I asked Jerenia if there was any event going on in the world that was affecting her personally, and she mentioned how inflation was something she has had to take into consideration. Hanson said “It’s easy to notice things are much more expensive than what they used to be. I have a bit of shopping problem, but now with inflation, I notice I am more opposed to buyings things immediately when I see them.” Jerenia also said she noticed how groceries used to be anywhere from $30-40, but now are closer to the $60-$80 range. Jerenia was friendly and more then willing to stop what she was doing to have a conversation with me!

news comment 4

September 16, 2022

Article #1 – Final Copy

September 13, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at the age of 96, the United Kingdom’s longest-serving monarch. Citizens of England are in mourning over this passing.

As people are mourning, they have to deal with the unfamiliarity of adjusting to a new leader. For decades now, citizens have been used to Queen Elizabeth’s tribals of success. Now, many things will be changing for the United Kingdom, and some are not sure how to feel about it.

With the heartache surrounding the Queen’s passing, many people are paying their respects at the palace.

Thousands of people gathered around Buckingham Palace after the news had spread. There was an intense silence when the flag was lowered to half-mast in honor of the Queen. 

The Queen was sick prior to her passing, and her doctors reported that she was on immediate medical supervision. After hearing this news, the Queen’s family traveled to Balmoral to visit her.

This information has not only shocked Great Britain, but other leaders around the world as well. 

President Joe Biden stated, “Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history, and in the story of our world.” President Biden also had flags flown at half-mast at the White House in honor of the Queen. 

Queen Elizabeth has made a tremendous difference on her nation during her ruling, which is why many citizens are taking her passing to heart. Her death marks the end of a beautiful era.

The Queen was a symbol of stability and class for all who saw her. Reuters quoted Queen Elizabeth in a speech saying, “I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.” 

Many citizens of the United Kingdom are questioning what will happen for them. Things such as the country’s national anthem, currency, and flags. People of England have been used to these items being surrounded around the Queen.

Adjustments such as these have left many concerned and confused. These changes may leave some citizens unsure of how to feel.

Thousands of flags with EIIR (Elizabeth II Regina) must be replaced. These flags also have the “Queen’s colors” which must be changed. 

There are also approximately 4.5 billion sterling banknotes with Queen Elizabeth’s face on them. These are estimated to take two or more years to replace.

The national anthem says, “God save our gracious Queen” which now must be changed, in theory, to “God save our gracious King.”

Seeing the impact Queen Elizabeth’s passing had on not only England, but the entire world shows how much of an impact she had on her nation. Her ruling will be remembered for many years to come.

Queen Elizabeth II has died - BBC News

Lead Exercise #3

September 13, 2022

Daughter of locally prominent attorney arrested for DUI last night.

Cathy Wensen, a 22 year old senior at Vanderbilt University, was arrested last night. This is her third arrest in a six month time period.

Her father, Jim Wensen, is a well known attorney in their town. With this being her third arrest, many people are questioning whether or not this will impact Jim’s business in a negative way.

Cathy Wensen was this year’s homecoming queen, is a straight-A student, and has been a cheerleader. On paper, the Wensen’s seem to be the perfect family – however Cathy’s actions recently seem to be portraying another story.

The family has not released any public statements regarding the situation.

Lead Exercise #2

September 13, 2022

New curriculum change for Backwater State University students to be expected for fall of 2023.

Recent studies have shown only 20% of students have taken a math course. A mere 15% of the students opted to take a foreign language course. With this information, the university president, David French, decided to make some changes.

“We feel that these new course requirements will allow us to turn out better-educated persons,” French said to the press.

These requirements include 1 math, 1 computer science, and 1 foreign language course in their 4 years at the university.

With this expectation, students will hopefully be more involved with other education buildings throughout campus.