Target Financial Report

September 29, 2022

The Target 2021 annual report was written directed towards shareholders of the company.

CEO, Brian Cornell, said to the shareholders, “But even as we celebrate extraordinary near-term progress, we remain much closer to the start of our growth than the end of it.”

Cornell is very confident in saying Target will continue to give tremendous value to all shareholders and stakeholders in the coming years. Much of this planned success will come from the after-tax return Target will receive, which is expected to be in the high 20-30% range.

In 2017, the total sales revenue (in millions) was $71,786. In comparison, the 2021 total sales revenue was $104,611. This tremendous increase is cohesive among every statistic given. The 2021 numbers are by far larger than the previous years.

With these statistics, Cornell can be confident to say Target’s profits will continue to increase in the following years. This will be achieved with the team, strategies, and capabilities the company has acquired.

One Response to “Target Financial Report”

  1.   fuglsang said:

    I’m not sure who that first sentence is directed at.

    OK overall. You use some good info and a good quote. You could be clearer in that first complete graf that this info came from the yearly financial report.

    Round the numbers: $70 billion, $100 billion

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