Article #1 – Final Copy

September 13, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at the age of 96, the United Kingdom’s longest-serving monarch. Citizens of England are in mourning over this passing.

As people are mourning, they have to deal with the unfamiliarity of adjusting to a new leader. For decades now, citizens have been used to Queen Elizabeth’s tribals of success. Now, many things will be changing for the United Kingdom, and some are not sure how to feel about it.

With the heartache surrounding the Queen’s passing, many people are paying their respects at the palace.

Thousands of people gathered around Buckingham Palace after the news had spread. There was an intense silence when the flag was lowered to half-mast in honor of the Queen. 

The Queen was sick prior to her passing, and her doctors reported that she was on immediate medical supervision. After hearing this news, the Queen’s family traveled to Balmoral to visit her.

This information has not only shocked Great Britain, but other leaders around the world as well. 

President Joe Biden stated, “Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history, and in the story of our world.” President Biden also had flags flown at half-mast at the White House in honor of the Queen. 

Queen Elizabeth has made a tremendous difference on her nation during her ruling, which is why many citizens are taking her passing to heart. Her death marks the end of a beautiful era.

The Queen was a symbol of stability and class for all who saw her. Reuters quoted Queen Elizabeth in a speech saying, “I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.” 

Many citizens of the United Kingdom are questioning what will happen for them. Things such as the country’s national anthem, currency, and flags. People of England have been used to these items being surrounded around the Queen.

Adjustments such as these have left many concerned and confused. These changes may leave some citizens unsure of how to feel.

Thousands of flags with EIIR (Elizabeth II Regina) must be replaced. These flags also have the “Queen’s colors” which must be changed. 

There are also approximately 4.5 billion sterling banknotes with Queen Elizabeth’s face on them. These are estimated to take two or more years to replace.

The national anthem says, “God save our gracious Queen” which now must be changed, in theory, to “God save our gracious King.”

Seeing the impact Queen Elizabeth’s passing had on not only England, but the entire world shows how much of an impact she had on her nation. Her ruling will be remembered for many years to come.

Queen Elizabeth II has died - BBC News

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